Coke and Mentos
Most excellent video. Apparantly if you drop some mentos in a bottle of coke, it makes a great fountain. Bunch of people recreating the Bellagio fountains with coke and mentos...
[Watch the video here] (Quicktime)
After you're done, watch this other video about this other girl putting that urban legend to rest.
Explanation of the phenomenon...
Read more about it here.
[Watch the video here] (Quicktime)
After you're done, watch this other video about this other girl putting that urban legend to rest.
Explanation of the phenomenon...
As you probably know, soda pop is basically sugar (or diet sweetener), flavoring, water and preservatives. The thing that makes soda bubbly is invisible carbon dioxide gas, which is pumped into bottles at the bottling factory using tons of pressure. Until you open the bottle and pour a glass of soda, the gas mostly stays suspended in the liquid and cannot expand to form more bubbles, which gases naturally do. But there's more...
Read more about it here.